How to Hide Multi-Domains in AdLinkFly Shortener Site and Block Fake Clicks

How to Hide Multi-Domains in AdLinkFly Shortener Site

Are you tired of seeing different domains appearing in your AdLinkFly shortener site? Do you want to increase your income and block fake clicks on your links? In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to hide multi-domains in your AdLinkFly shortener site and generate links only from the domain you want.

Boost Your Income and Block Fake Clicks

AdLinkFly is a popular link shortening service that helps people to earn money by shortening their links and sharing them on various platforms. However, many users face a problem while using AdLinkFly that they are not able to hide the multi-domains that they have added to their account. This leads to a decrease in revenue and also attracts fake clicks. In this article, we will guide you on how to hide multi-domains in AdLinkFly shortener site and boost your income while blocking fake clicks.

Why Should You Hide Multi-Domains?

Hiding multi-domains is essential for AdLinkFly users as it helps to increase revenue and block fake clicks. When you hide your domains, the users will not see the domain name in the URL, and hence they will be more likely to click on the link. Moreover, hiding multi-domains also blocks fake clicks as the users will not be able to see where the link is going. This helps to maintain the integrity of the AdLinkFly shortener site and increases the earnings of the users.

Code Upload Path:

public_html (or)    /src/Template/Cell/Link/

See also  Giveaway: AdLinkFly Theme - HIVE Pink CSS

All Code: (If Code Not Working Then Download Text File)

Download Full Hide Multi-Domains in AdLinkFly Code With TXT File:

[timer_download url=”” time=”30″ text=”Download”]